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Get Speaking Gigs Now

Learn The Secrets To Booking

500+ Speaking Gigs

by Leisa Reid


It’s an exciting time to be a business owner or entrepreneur with a powerful message. Why? Because you can carve out your own way in the speaking world. All you need is the willingness and courage to go for it! Oh yeah, and a message that is worthy of sharing. It is my honor to be on this journey with you! One of the messages I have received is that I am on this planet to share my knowledge in service of transformation for others. I believe we are all connected, and I have knowledge that can help you get your message heard so you can help other people, and on and on. The ripple effect has begun!

Whether you are a speaker or not, there is no doubt we all have an expertise that can leave an impact on the world once it is shared. I believe everyone has a story to tell. We all have experiences, memories, expertise and lessons we have learned that can benefit other people.

I LOVE the experience of when a “talk” comes to me. It’s as if a seed was planted and it starts to grow. It can even wake me up in the middle of the night! You’ve probably had a similar experience of having a “talk” come to you and start to grow within you. You may have watched another speaker on stage and thought, “I could be up there!”


As founder of a company that helps speakers “Get Speaking Gigs Now,” Leisa Reid mentors business professionals and entrepreneurs who want to make an impact and ultimately attract their ideal clients through speaking.

As a speaker herself, Leisa has successfully booked and delivered over 600 speaking engagements. She is passionate about training entrepreneurs with varying levels of experience, messages, and niche markets. She believes a great foundation, solid network, and proven strategies can help propel speakers to actualizing their potential.

In addition to being a professional speaker and trainer, Leisa earned both a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Speech Communication. When she was just 22 years old, she taught Interpersonal Communication classes at California State University, Fullerton.


1. What is the #1 secret to getting booked and staying booked as a speaker?

2. In your experience, what is one of the biggest obstacles aspiring speakers face, and how can they overcome it?

3. What are common mistakes new speakers make and what do you recommend they do instead?

4. What are some ways speakers can get more speaking gigs?

5. Tell me about your the International Speaker Network; what’s that all about? How and why did you start that organization? How often do you meet?

6. How can people contact you if they want more information about your book, your speaker’s network, coaching or mentoring?


To get more information about Leisa’s book Get Speaking Gigs Now: Learn The Secrets To Booking 500+ Speaking Gigs and her GET SPEAKING GIGS NOW ACADEMY, and how to reach Leisa, just go to:


For information about the International Speaker Network, go to:



You can listen to previous interviews Leisa's conducted on past podcast shows by clicking on the button below:



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LEISA REID, founder of GetSpeakingGigsNow.com and the CEO of The International Speaker Network, trains folks on how to use public speaking as a soul filling strategy to grow their business. Clients who work with Leisa “Get Their Talk Ready to Rock” and build their speaking skills and confidence through her Speaker's Training Academy. Leisa has booked and delivered over 600 speaking engagements, and teaches her clients all of the strategies she uses to get booked, stay booked and monetize their talks and presentations.